
Legacy Abandoned Mine Lands – Progress and Plans

April 19, 2021

The Webinar included panelists discussing these topics:

  • Perpetua Resources (formallyMidas Gold) providing a summary of their recently negotiated process with EPA;
  • Trout Unlimited providing updates regarding 2020 progress, 2021 objectives;
  • The Nature Conservancyproviding discussions regarding identified Nevada Legacy sites for possible renewable energy deployments;
  • Industry experts providing new Technology discussions

Panel Discussion Presenters

Perpetua Resources (formally Midas Gold). Critical Resources; Responsible Mining; Environmental Restoration; Administrative Settlement Agreement and Order on Consent (ASAOC). Summary of their recently negotiated process with EPA.
Presenters: Austin Zinsser, Laurel Sayer, Michael Bogert
Slides – Video

Trout Unlimited – 2020 update and 2021 Outlook from a Good Sam Perspective.
Presenter: Jason Willis, P.E. TU-CO AML Program Manager.
Slides – Video

The Nature Conservancy – Mining the Sun. Discussions regarding identified Nevada Legacy sites for possible renewable energy deployments.
Presenter: Jaina Moan
Slides – Video

New Technology: Using Spent Brewery Grain to Suppress Acid Rock Drainage from Historic Tailings.
Presenters: James Gusek, Tahne Corcutt (B2C), and Lee Josselyn
Slides – Video