Water and Mining:
Protecting And Sharing Water Resources

Friday, May 19 – 1pm MT
Water stewardship and management in mining is increasingly becoming a key component of mine development and operation. Water related issues (water resources and water quality) have the potential to create short and long term operational, environmental, reputational and financial risks. Water related costs and risks are also the most difficult to quantify, as they are closely tied to the social license of a project and have the potential to generate decades of post closure management costs. This webinar provides an overview of water related issues and risks for mining projects, and the tools for water stewardship and management.
The MMSA QP Enhancement Committee offers a variety of Webinars on selected topics. To see all the Webinars, visit https://mmsa.net/resources/webinars/
Presenter: Patrick Williamson
Bio: Patrick Williamson has over three decades of experience in managing geochemical and hydrogeologic investigations for mining projects, including water balances, water resource evaluation and development, waste rock characterization, mine dewatering, and permitting studies for due diligence, Preliminary Economic Assessments, Feasibility Studies, operations, and closure. He is an experienced project manager/principal with a technical focus on mine waste geochemistry/hydrogeology and extensive experience in the mining sector in Mexico and Latin America. Prior to joining INTERA, Patrick established and managed two hydrogeology/ environmental practices in Mexico, where he developed business offerings for mine hydrogeology, geochemistry and social license for water and mining. Patrick has spoken extensively on the topic of best practices for environmental management for mining at conferences throughout Latin America.
Following are comments from the chat entered during the presentation and in the Question period. Additional questions were asked verbally during the question period.
de Fernando (2): A Mine is one of the users of water in the basin. Water Management in Mining should have focus in basin. In many mining operations we have a political issue.
Scott Jolcover: Well done !!!!!!!!!!! Really Enjoyed.
Jayson Pinza: For the groundwater models, maybe focus also on aquifer response itself, not on water balance per se (be careful of groundwater budget myth)?
Alister Horn: Great talk! Can you speak more about demand outstripping supply by 40% by 2030?
de Fernando (2): Thanks Patrick for your presentation and comments.
Steve: Is pit backfilling a preferred alternative for ESG or does it depend on the mine’s location?
Timothy Arnold: Great job Pat!
Alister Horn: Patrick, you mentioned ‘virtual water’. What is that?
jvelador: Thank you Patrick very relevant topic, particularly with the recent changes to the mining law in Mexico. Jesus Velador
Alister Horn: Reacted to “Patrick, you mention…” with “Thumbs up” emogi